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Frequently Asked Questions

O'Brien Height Safety Solutions the complex and oft times confusing requirements of height safety. This FAQ is updated frequently to provide you with general information about the industry and how it can affect your workplace.

  • If an existing system does not or is found not to comply, can it be upgraded to compliance status?
    Yes it can. However it may require extensive engineering and upgrading works. In the end, it needs to comply as if it were a new installation for it to be safe to use. Whilst making a determination, tag the system out so it can’t be used and follow the requirements of this code.
  • If it has been longer then 12 months since an anchor point has been inspected and recertified, can it still be used?
    No. AS/NZS 1891 states that for the safe use of anchor points, they must be recertified every 12 months to ensure that they are in working order. Where there is inadequate information available to satisfactorily recertify anchor systems, then all or some of the works may require investigation to update the works. Note that this may place the re-certifier in a position of becoming the Safety System Designer of the system and as such, great care must be taken with re-certifying or updating existing installations. While remedial or update works are being undertaken, the system should be tagged out of service.
  • How often do height safety assets need to be inspected and recertified?
    Anchors require a 12 monthly inspection and recertification period as per AS/NZS 1891. The Code of Practice however in some states requires 6 monthly inspections.
  • Does each anchor point require a permanent label/sign?
    Yes, Australian / New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1891.4, clearly states that anchor points should have details of the installer, install date and other data relevant for the user to ensure the traceability of maintenance records, a record card, history sheet or similar record shall be kept for each of the items of equipment.
  • Who can recertify my anchor points?
    As per AS/NZS 1891.4, inspection needs be carried out by persons trained as a qualified Height Safety Equipment Inspector.
  • What are the controls needed to prevent Falls from Heights*?
    DET suggested controls are as follows: the installation of roof anchor points for work positioning/ fall arrest systems in accordance with AS/NZS 1891 Designated reinforced walkways Provision of appropriate edge protection in accordance with AS/NZS 1657 (e.g. guard rails, handrails etc.) Installation of ladder anchor points for roof access (* SOURCE:
  • Why does my school need roof safety systems?
    Principals are responsible for providing and maintaining a safe working and learning environment, including the management of contractors engaged by the school to ensure that appropriate safety processes and capabilities are established. The principal and/or their delegate must identify working at height tasks and implement appropriate controls. This is to comply with Victorian OHS Standards which states, to prevent falls all people working at height must be trained, all work at height must be identified, related hazards and relevant risks identified, managed and controlled.
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